Embracing Freedom

Embracing Freedom. Grace is my story. Hope is my anchor. Joy is my strength. Laughter is my song.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Why I'm done with New Year resolutions

I didn't bother with new years resolutions this year... well ... I'm pretty sure I didn't ... if I did, I can't remember what they were. But I did have four words that would become my prayer for the year. When people asked me what they could pray for me, my response was simple.


( It's not really something I shared with everyone, just a small number who I knew really would commit to faithfully praying for me)

Intimacy with Jesus. A deeper, more personal intimacy with the one who knows me better than I know myself.

Increase, an increased measure of Gods Spirit in my life. An an increase of His Kingdom come, here on earth as in heaven in my life.

Integrity. A character trait I admire and respect in others, and one I see compromised so often, sadly! Its something I value, and something I desire, so I pray for it.

Innovation. Others have told me I have a creative a streak, and I think out of the box, so I've taken something, a strength that others have identified in me and I prayed into it.

And throughout 2013, I've been challenged, encouraged and grown in these areas. And time and time again, as I have prayed ever so simply, God has blown me away with his faithfulness. He's spoken so clearly at various times through his word, through his people  and as I have just sat in the quiet. It's been like this personal little thing between him and I that just leaves me in awe at times.

Like earlier this year when we had a week of 24/7 prayer in our church, and the youth of our corps had an all night of prayer. One of the leaders led us through a time of praying for each other. It was an exercise in listening to God and praying by his leading, and when it was my turn to be prayed for, without knowing who he was praying for (because of the way the exercise happened only i and the leader knew the prayers at that time were for me) without knowing my words, one of the young people simple prayed "Lord I pray increase!" So much affirmation, confirmation in that prayer, like God was saying, I hear you, I hear your prayer!

He's so good like that!

Recently the word influence has been swimming around in my mind. I'm not sure yet if I'll add that to my list in 2014, or whether I may narrow down to one word, I'll see what happens. But what I do know is that I am done with new years resolutions. Because all I've ever experienced with those bad boys, as good as the intent, is failure. Maybe it's a simple lack of self discipline. The point is, for me, focusing my prayer life in 2013 to intimacy, increase, integrity and innovation has been richly rewarding, deeply challenging and life changing and I am better for it.

I came across this oneword 365 website reading an article in 'She Loves' this week and thought it was worth sharing because I think there is merit in focusing like this.

I believe any word we choose to focus on, whether it be a desire, action, characteristic, feeling, must be birthed in prayer, and committed to prayer. Not just a word that seems like a good idea at the time. Because the best word to spend a year focusing on and praying about will come from the one who knows you better than you know yourself.

So, I dunno ...  how about forgetting the new year resolutions, and spending some time seeking God for a word, or two ... or 4 (there really are no rules), that you can focus on in 2014. Words that you can focus on in your times of prayer, words that develop greater intimacy between you and your heavenly Father. 

I'm not stopping with the word/s either, I'm asking God for a verse, a promise from his word to take me through 2014.

I'd love to hear how you are planning to head into 2014 - what one word resonates with you? Is there a promise from Gods word that you are taking into 2014? Come on, Share it in the comments below :)

Praying Intimacy, Increase, Integrity and Innovation for you as you seek God and head into 2014.


Tuesday, 3 December 2013

A prayer

Breathe on me sweet breathe of God.
All consuming, all powerful.
Purify me in the fire.
Refresh me with streams of living water.
In my place of desperation
You hear my cry, and you respond
Holding me fast with your right hand.
In your presence is comfort, restoration, truth, promise.
And I am blessed.
Because in you is hope, life, peace and freedom.
Glorious Freedom.
Unconditional love.

This child finds her place in your arms.
Her purpose in your will.
And her identity in your word.
The Word which breathes life.
This child is known by name, marked by love, destined with purpose.
The one who calls me is faithful.
Oh so faithful.
So I surrender.
My life.
My ways.
My attitudes.
My ambitions.
Transform me from the inside out,
For your glory.

Breathe on me sweet breath of God.
Ignite within me a fire.
A ferocious, passionate fire.
Stir me with an irresistible thirst for more of you.
Desperate desire.
Insatiable hunger.
Blow on the embers.
More of you Jesus,
This is my hearts cry.
So please,
Breathe on me sweet breath of God.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Soldiers of our God, ARISE!

Soldiers of our God, arise! The day is drawing nearer; shake the slumber from your eyes, the light is growing clearer. Sit no longer idly by, while the heedless millions die. Lift the blood-stained banner high and take the field for Jesus. 

These words from The Salvation Army song book inspire and ignite within me a passion for this Army of salvation. They speak of our purpose, our mandate and declare the very essence of who we are. Soldiers: fighting to win the world for Jesus. Yet there are whispers within the ranks that say, ‘The Salvation Army has abandoned its post and failed in fulfilling its mission’, ‘It’s stuck in the past’, or ‘the movement is stagnant and without vision’. These whispers distract us from the fight, and they need to stop. We will not quit out of frustration but will fight harder, with greater endurance and stronger determination, because while our tactics may change, our mission remains.

The Salvation Army was founded in 1865 by William and Catherine Booth during a dark time where poverty, injustice, corruption and disease infiltrated the streets of the east end of London. The Salvation Army was established to challenge and fight against social injustices and see people rescued into the kingdom of Jesus. This zealous Army spread rapidly, and our history is marked with stories of courage, innovation and salvations won. We must learn from our past, engage in the present and step into the future.

Not that much has changed. Ours is still a dark world in need of light: the light, life and love of Jesus! People are still drowning in an ocean of sin, broken and hurting, desperate for something more.

The chief coroner announced last month that in the past year, 541 lives were lost to suicide. Connection through social media seems to trump true community, but the reality is that people are lonelier than ever. Depression is rampant. People are marginalised on account of their age, gender, disability, ethnicity or socio-economic status. Thousands of children live in poverty. Addictions to alcohol, pornography, gambling and even work oppress. Corruption is rife and injustice extensive.

Today, The Salvation Army is made up of soldiers who are dedicated, disciplined and determined disciples of Jesus. They are cleansed because of Christ’s sacrificial blood and equipped, empowered and filled with the Holy Spirit’s fire. They aren’t afraid to stand up in defence of the marginalised; they love their neighbours and seek to imitate the example of Christ.

They are courageous, bold and innovative; willing to put reputations on the line to challenge injustice and corruption. They rise above the standards set by society and set their sights on a higher purpose. These soldiers fight with endurance to bring hope and purpose to a deteriorating world. Not as individuals, but as units who thrive within and strive for community. Much of their fighting is done on their knees in persevering prayer, and the sword they possess is the Word of God, which they know well and are deeply committed to. They are zealous, undaunted, fearless, unswerving and unstoppable as they storm the forts of darkness.

In this Army we find belonging, we find purpose, we take up arms and fight to see people freed from oppression, injustice conquered, and souls saved into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hallelujah!

In this Salvation Army there is a place for you, irrespective of your age, your gender, your ethnicity, your past, your fears or your failings. This is an Army fuelled with passion, filled with purpose and fighting to prevail over darkness.

So … Soldiers of our God arise! Forward march with Blood and Fire and win the world for Jesus!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

"Me for General! I promise to fight for your right to partaaaaaay!"

Facebook hacked! Last week a friend updated MY facebook status saying “Me for General! I promise to fight for your right to paaaartaaaay!” I saw the humour in it, (hopefully learnt a lesson about leaving FB logged on) but it got me thinking. When we are really fulfilling our mission as a SALVATION Army, there really will be a whole lot more partying! If we take seriously the salvation of others, and the freedom that comes with it … why wouldn’t we party?

Every time we see someone saved, embracing the love, care and salvation of Jesus, choosing to become his disciple … it’s exciting, it’s amazing, it’s worth celebrating! Luke 15:4-7 says “Suppose one of you had a hundred sheep and lost one. Wouldn’t you leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the lost one until you found it? When found, you can be sure you would put it across your shoulders, rejoicing, and when you got home call in your friends and neighbours, saying, ‘Celebrate with me! I’ve found my lost sheep!’ Count on it—there’s more joy in heaven over one sinner’s rescued life than over ninety-nine good people in no need of rescue.”  PARTAAAAY!

Or the story Jesus told of the Father who had two sons. The youngest said to his Dad, ‘I want my inheritance now’ So the father divided the property between his boys. When he’d received his inheritance the youngest took off for a distant country, where he wasted all he had. He spent every last cent. His decisions left him homeless and hungry. He got a job tending pigs and couldn’t even eat food from the pigpen.

 “That brought him to his senses. He said, ‘All those farmhands working for my father sit down to three meals a day, and here I am starving to death. I’m going back to my father. I’ll say to him, Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you; I don’t deserve to be called your son. Take me on as a hired hand.’

He got right up and went home to his father.

 “When he was still a long way off, his father saw him.

His heart pounding, he ran out, embraced him, and kissed him.

The son started his speech: ‘Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you; I don’t deserve to be called your son ever again.’

 “But the father wasn’t listening. He was calling to the servants, ‘Quick. Bring a clean set of clothes and dress him. Put the family ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Then get a grain-fed heifer and roast it. We’re going to feast! We’re going to have a wonderful time!
My son is here—given up for dead and now alive! Given up for lost and now found!’ And they began to have a wonderful time. Luke 15:11-24 (Msg)


In a couple of weekends time, we’ll open up a new corps building in Upper Hutt … I’m starting to see it as a party venue. A place of people coming home to their Father in heaven and being embraced with love and celebrated with a party!

Imagine if we saw our corps/church buildings as party venues! Each day, children coming home and witnessing the Father running to them, embracing them, kissing them and throwing a party for them. HA! Love it!

An Army fighting for the salvation of the world and partying when each precious, beloved, valuable child comes home!


A General who likes to party! Sounds good to me!

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Stalked by fear ... liberated by Love

Last night I woke to the sound of my four year old son screaming a blood curdling scream. I bolted out of bed to go to him, only to meet him in the hallway as he ran and leaped into my arms. I don't think I remember him ever holding me as tight as he did last night. He was holding on for dear life, crying and so I held him, tight. I took him into our bed and he settled in my arms, between Brenton and I. He told us that Monsters had been chasing him.So he'd ran, right into the arms of safety. We talked about it with him, talked about how there are no such thing as monsters and he calmed right down. After a visit to the toilet, he hopped back into his bed and went back to sleep. All I wanted to do was comfort him and allay his fears. I hated seeing him afraid and fearful.  

When I was 14 years old, my mum had taken a protection order out against her ex-partner. The living situation had been less than ideal for a long time, and she had built the courage to do what she needed to, to protect us. Unfortunately the protection order wasn't enough to deter him from 'harassing' us and the mental, emotional abuse and intimidation continued. He would sit down the road from our house and watch us, when we went out he followed, when we were visiting at a friends he would drive around and around the block. At one point he rented the house next door, I discovered it after finding holes in the fence, climbing a tree and seeing his car parked in the shed .

Fear marked my life. It was a continual state of being. One evening after arguing with Mum about something I left the house and started walking to a school event in the dark. As I walked he pulled up and drove his car alongside me. He drove off, and lapped the block I was walking. Terror took over. I have never been so petrified in all my life. I pulled out my cellphone and called mum (should have called the police, but fear clouded clarity and sense). She, in a panic and fluster, couldn't find her keys but contacted a friend to come and get me. By this stage he'd settled himself in a car park at a supermarket, watching as I walked.

Twice, a protection order breach was thrown out of court because of technicalities. The so called protection of the state really was no protection at all. For years after this event I was afraid of the dark. Right into my adult years. I struggled to walk outside by myself in the dark, I was hyper-vigilant of every noise and movement and avoided it as much as possible. Fear holds us captive. It stops us from living a full life. It has a way of chasing us down and cornering us, like a crazy stalking his prey. It wasn't until working through the 12 steps programme (highly recommend it!) during my training at Booth College of Mission that I found freedom from this fear. I remember the first time, walking from the main building to our little on campus unit, by myself, without fear. It was a celebratory moment. 

At the time of the incident I struggled to see Gods protection in the situation,  yet I look back now and I see it clearly. Recently during a time in prayer my thoughts took me back to that fear-filled night, and I had a picture of Jesus, standing between me and the car. A fierce look on his face, like only over his dead body would he let anyone get to me. Absolute determination, absolute protection, absolute security. 

Psalm 139 is one of my favourite psalms. Verse 10 says "your right hand will hold me fast." 

This speaks to me of ultimate security and protection. When I get in a car and fasten my seat-belt  I do it as a means of protection. If I have to stop suddenly, or find myself in a dangerous situation the seat-belt is there, fastened, to hold me in place, to protect me, and prevent harm.

Psalm 139:10 is a promise. In the right hand of God, we are held tight, we are secure, we are protected. Just as my son finds security, comfort and freedom from fear in my arms, we can find security, comfort and freedom from fear in Gods.

When we fail to trust Jesus, and choose to rely on other things like finances, relationships, status, others approval and affirmation we take a step out of His hand - we fail to rely on HIM to secure us. Trust and total dependence on him places us in the centre of His hand and assures us of His security and protection. 

"There is no room in love for fear." 1 John 4:18. God is love, it's his very nature. When we rest in God, abide in him, trust him and depend on him, fear dissipates and freedom reigns. Hallelujah!

Questions to consider:
Is there something I am fearful of?
In what or who do I depend on for ultimate security?
Am I embracing and living in the truth of the Word of God which says "Your right hand will hold me fast"?

Prayer: "Lord, thank you for the security, protection, comfort and freedom we have in you. Hold me fast in your right hand! In Jesus name, Amen." 

Saturday, 6 July 2013


Their eyes pierce like swords
Staring me down
With judgement
Despising me, and all I've done.
Their whispers echo through the room,
I can't make out what they are saying
But I know
They snicker, they mock, they ridicule
And they are right.
I've found myself here, on the stand
Not as a witness
But accused and condemned.

Innocent until proven guilty
What a joke.
I am guilty
I know it
They know it
He knows it
So I sit, waiting for my sentence
I'm without defence
What's the point?

I've sat in their seat
I'm guilty of murder, deceit, lust and hatred
I've hurt those who loved me
I've broken covenant
I've been two-faced, hidden behind masks
I'm guilty all the same
Swimming in shame
I know it
They know it
He knows it
So I sit and wait for my sentence

He rises from His seat
He approaches me
I don't anticipate what's coming
His eyes pierce like a sword with
I don't hold His gaze
The shame is all consuming
He takes me by the hand
Leads me off the stand
Staring me down
With tears in His eyes
Immense in deep, deep love
Despite what I've done.
His whisper echos through the room
"Go in freedom and sin no more. They might condemn you, I don't."
"I love you with an everlasting love
 I know you
 I know your heart
You are forgiven, you are set free"
He removes the shackles binding me

Something starts to happen from within
It builds like fire
I welcome the discomfort
Guilt and shame ... dissolve

I lift my face to look him in the eyes
In the intimacy of that moment
It's like...
That's all he ever wanted.

The fire within continues to burn
Somehow he's infiltrated me,
Consuming me.
The joy
                   love is indescribable
Like nothing I've ever imagined
He anoints, appoints and affirms me
He shifts His gaze to the door
Indicating my time here is done
His whisper echos through the room
"Not guilty, Freedom"

I walk in it
As I walk in this new found freedom
In His truth
It's like His embrace is all encompassing
It gets stronger, firmer with each step
As I leave this place of judgement,
I take one last look.

And there He is
On the Stand
In my place
Their eyes pierce Him like swords
Their whispers echo through the room
They snicker
They mock
They ridicule
But He's innocent
I know it
They know it
He knows it

From that place of guilt and shame
He nods to me
Affirming me as I walk in His freedom
This is love
               This is grace
                                 This is mercy
                                                    This is Jesus

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Silence in the face of injustice

Silence can be deafening. At times deadly. Sometimes it says more than the spoken word could ever say. And sometimes the consequences of silence are greater and far more reaching than we could ever imagine.

Before the high priest Jesus remained silent.”  Before Herod “Jesus gave him no answer” 

I imagine, on that day, His silence was deafening as the Jewish scribes and Pharisees, had conspired against him to have him killed and now shouted before Pilate to have him “CRUCIFIED!”. Deafening as his followers, who had deserted him, looked on and his lips remained tightly sealed, watching … waiting. I wonder if the chaos and noise around them became a hazy blur. “Why isn’t he saying anything?” was, I’m sure, a question on the forefront of their minds. I wonder if they felt deafened by his silence.

With a prepared, persistent, passionate and united front the Jewish leaders were determined to have Jesus crucified. They shouted, until their shouts prevailed.

Injustice: condemning an innocent man.

I remember in 6th form (year 12) being accused of plagiarism in English. The assignment had been to write a poem. I don’t remember the poem, don’t even know what it was about, but when I received it back from the teacher it wasn’t marked, it just had a note on it saying “See me”. So I did. I vividly remember the teacher asking me “Did you write this?” to which I replied “Yes”. From there she went on to ‘talk’ with me about plagiarism, the consequences of it, and again asked me if I wrote the poem. Frustration and anger stirred because I was being accused of something that I was completely innocent of. It’s fair to say I defended myself, and the conversation got a little heated. My voice, a wee bit louder and shrill as I maintained my innocence.
“I haven’t done anything wrong!”

Why wouldn’t I defend myself, with passion and fervour? Why would anyone stay silent and let injustice prevail?

Like Jesus did.

Jesus, completely innocent, doesn’t for a moment attempt to defend himself. He doesn’t fight for his own freedom, which he is entitled too. Why? He knew our freedom was at hand. He knew that through his silence, He would prevail.

At that time silence was required to accomplish a greater purpose. He would overcome, he would prevail over sin and death by remaining silent so that we could be free and inherit eternal life.

His deliberate silence resulted in His death.

Deafening silence: "A silence or lack of response that reveals something significant."

His silence that day didn’t just reveal something significant, it enabled something significant.

Something significant: Death is conquered.

Something significant: We are delivered.

His silence was deafening
His silence was deliberate
His silence was deadly
His silence defeated
His silence delivered

The time for silence in the face of injustice has passed. It’s consequences reached beyond what anyone hoped or imagined, conquering death, setting us free. Once, silence in the face of injustice was necessary, but not today.

The time for silence has passed. The tide has turned. Today we shout against injustice and we shout about the love and freedom he’s given us.

May our shouts be deafening
May our shouts be deliberate
May our shouts be deadly
May our shouts defeat
May our shouts deliver


Saturday, 1 June 2013


I don’t know about you, but when I watch a programme like the current Master Chef series on at the moment, I’m inspired to try something new. If I’m honest though, the inspiration hardly ever makes it to the kitchen.

One thing I learnt early on in my marriage was that trying something new, when you’ve invited people over for dinner, is never a good idea. I remember sitting around the table thinking, “this is terrible”, while our guests struggled to find something positive to commend me on. Awkward. Our guests were nothing like the judges on Master Chef who hold nothing back when it comes to critiquing the food of contestants. When the judges are unimpressed words like unrefined, bland, ordinary are used to describe the dishes. When they are impressed they describe a dish as having “bold flavours” and “well seasoned”

Well Seasoned. Salt is one of the key seasonings we use when we cook. It has a distinct flavour and enhances that of others when added to food. A friend who is a chef told me that a pinch of salt added to any baking helps the other ingredients work together to improve the end product. Salt is also used in the preservation of food.
In what is perhaps the most famous sermon in history, known as the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells his followers “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” Matthew 5:13 (NIV)

This statement is within a larger message about the Kingdom of God (his reign and his rule) that Jesus, came to establish on earth. Jesus is saying to those who follow him, “You are an essential ingredient and part of my Kingdom here on earth. One that will enhance and preserve my rule.”

He then goes on to make a pretty full on point. Salt that isn’t salty is good for nothing. If his followers aren’t doing the job of enhancing and preserving his kingdom, they aren’t fulfilling their purpose, or achieving what he’s called them too.

The Message paraphrase puts it like this: “Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.”
So what does it look like?

In a world today that is saturated by consumerism, materialism, corruption, lack of integrity, power seeking, injustice, poverty … this list goes on, we have an opportunity to be salt; to make a difference, to be the difference. In the eyes of God we are considered a key ingredient in his plan of redemption and restoration, in his plan to see His kingdom established on earth as it is in heaven. We can be the ingredient that enhances, improves and develops the world for the better. A seasoning that brings out the good God flavours and preserves the kingdom Jesus came to establish on earth. A kingdom built upon purity, truth, faith, hope, justice and love.

Tastes pretty good to me.


(originally published in the NZ WarCry 1 June 2013)

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Heard, Seen, Loved ... finding hope amidst the pain of secondary infertility

I remember as a child falling off the top of the fort at school (Terrace End Primary, whoop!). I'm not sure how I fell, but I remember landing ...  it took my breath away. It winded me. And it hurt. Thankfully, there was no serious injury, but that feeling of breathlessness and the pain, it was very real.

Sometimes that feeling revisits. And it doesn't take falling off a fort to bring it about. At times in my life it has come with the death of a loved one, or when hopes have been dashed. Sometimes, for me, the cause of my pain is secondary infertility (yup, it's a thing!), all it takes is hearing that a friend is pregnant again, or that they've just been blessed with a new healthy baby. A few weeks ago, 3 of my friends had babies and 2 of my friends announced pregnancies, within the space of 7 days. I was genuinely happy for them ... so so so stoked. But at the same time it felt as though I had been winded. I was reminded of something I can't have. Pain that I thought was over and done with, resurfaced. I was taken by surprise. Again, today, news has left me feeling breathless, feeling that pain and grief, and with a mind full of questions.

I have been blessed with two amazing children who I am incredibly thankful for. Zach, (who turned 4 on Tuesday, I fell pregnant with him without any trouble which was a miracle given a long history of endometriosis) and Evy (our second miracle who joined our family through adoption). So you'd think I'd count by blessings and just be grateful for what I've got right? I mean, I have two children. Some people are left longing for even one. To them, my heart goes out.

But the truth is, at times, it still hurts. The pain is still present. The grief real. And sometimes, when I think I have it all sorted, it takes me by surprise and leaves me breathless.

Today I was reminded of the story of Hannah, found in 1 Samuel 1. Here is a woman who's 'womb had been closed'. She was struggling with infertility, and her heart was broken. Her husband was married to another woman as well, another woman who had children, and this woman took pleasure in reminding Hannah of her misfortune and barrenness, she revelled in rubbing salt in Hannah's wound.

For years!

It devastated Hannah's husband to see her so broken, but even he couldn't fully grasp the extent of her pain.

"In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the Lord, weeping bitterly." 1 Sam 1:10
This woman inspires me! In the depth of her despair, she knew who to turn to, where to go, and she didn't go unheard. He prayers were answered. She was blessed.

Verse 20 says "So in the course of time Hannah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, saying, “Because I asked the Lord for him.”

In the course of time.

Always Hope!

For all of us, there are moments where pain is overwhelming and we are left feeling breathless, and it feels as though all hope is lost. Whatever it is that leaves you breathless,
with a deep pain and inner turmoil
go to Him.

In our anguish, may we turn to the one who is hope and love, who will not fail us, who sees us, hears us and knows us, through and through.[1]   Even in our bitter weeping, may we be found in prayer before the One who will answer.


[1] (Check out this amazing song!) 

Thursday, 16 May 2013

I am Woman

"I am Woman,
Hear me roar?
Or hear me whisper from a corner,
Silence is preferred!
I’m just a possession.
Head down, covered in shame?
A silhouette, outline, merely a frame

My clothing, it strangles me. Defiles me.
I wear anger, resentment, bitterness and hate.
Jealousy and submission seal my fate.

My name is Abandoned!

I’m left Oppressed.

It comes with the territory.

In the depth of despair, pain and being unknown
A whisper through the wind breathes “Mine”
Identity Discovered!

Restored. Revived. Liberated.

My name is Beloved!

Grace is my story
Hope is my anchor
Joy is my strength
Laughter is my song

My clothing encapsulates Freedom,
Dressed by the One who redeems.
I’m clothed with strength.
Dignity. Kindness. Compassion. 
Beauty. Zeal. Determination.
Tender-hearted Mercy.
Humility. Grace. Love.

It comes with the territory.

I lift my face
I raise my voice
I will not be Silent
My shouts will prevail
I am Woman”

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Joy, Pain and Influence on Mothers Day

I have been blessed with two incredible children who are absoloute miracles to our family. I love them and am so thankful to be their Mum. I've also been blessed with a fab Mum who I am soooo grateful for ... But I don't need a special day to tell her I love her, (I know, I know, party pooper!) every time I speak to Mum on the phone or skype I tell her and I try to tell her regularly "Thank you".

For many people Mothers Day is an opportunity to do lunch, to buy and receive gifts, to catch up, a time of grateful remembrance. For others, let’s face it, it’s a painful time, a time where the agony of broken relationships resurface, where the memories of what wasn’t invade our thinking, where the searing loss and grief of mothers past re-emerge, and for those who have never had the opportunity to be called “Mum” it can be like a big kick in the guts.

So I've been thinking about what I want 'Mothers Day' to look like in our home, in our wee family unit of four. There will be no gifts. For us, as the years go by, it will be about celebrating the women of influence in our lives, which will undoubtedly include our mothers, but not be limited to them. We will celebrate Grandmothers, Aunties, school teachers, church leaders, mentors, and friends.

Today my children will be making cards, or something, to say thank you to the women who invest into their lives regularly. We will talk about and celebrate the women who influence them, encourage them, cuddle them, kiss them, and care for them as they grow and develop. 

As I reflect, the women of influence in my own life are many. I am incredibly blessed.

Today I celebrate, honor and thank the women who have influenced my life. Those who have loved me, mothered me, mentored me, challenged me, encouraged me, pushed me and inspired me. Those who have laughed with me, shed tears with me, prayed with me and for me, especially in the times I couldn’t pray myself. Those who have exampled courage, determination, patience, grace, faithfulness, integrity and innovation to me. To those who have demonstrated the loving, caring, nurturing heart of God, who have given their all, who have sacrificed and loved to the truest extent, I am forever grateful!

Much love and grace!


(The intention of this post isn't to minimise the work, sacrifice or love of our mums, but to get us thinking in a broader sense about the women of influence in our lives, we should be honoring and thanking our mums everyday anyway)

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Their Shouts Prevailed ...

One of my most memorable wedding gifts was the megaphone I was given by my church family. I say “I” was given, because, it really was for me, (and they did apologise to Brenton for it) apparently they just couldn’t resist … much to my delight. It was a bit of a joke … because anyone who knows me, knows the LAST thing I need is a megaphone. At our wedding, I tried to use the megaphone for my speech during the reception,
Cute, look how her groom is gazing adoringly at his new bride.
(either that or he's thinking "Do they hate me? Why did they give her a Megaphone?")

but no one could take me seriously (no idea why) so I resorted to the microphone. The truth is I liked to be heard.

Don’t we all?

Some of us find making ourselves heard a little easier than others.

One group in the bible, who didn’t struggle in making their voices heard, was the Jewish high priests and leaders at the trial of Jesus before Pilate.

“Their shouts prevailed” Luke 23:23 (NIV)

These three words struck me when I read them a few months ago. It was like I was reading them for the first time, and it seemed as though God was SHOUTING them to me. “THEIR SHOUTS PREVAILED!!!” A number of personal questions came to mind.

“What am I shouting about?”

“Where are my shouts prevailing?”

“Where is my voice being heard?”

I was incredibly challenged!

How did the shouts of the Jewish high priest and leaders prevail?

They were prepared. Then the chief priests and the elders of the people assembled in the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas, and they schemed to arrest Jesus secretly and kill him.Matthew 26:3-4 (NIV) They were prepared. They had a plan in place, they’d had meetings, talked about it, rallied the troops and took it to the appropriate authorities to present their case.

They were persistent But they insisted, “He stirs up the people all over Judea by his teaching. He started in Galilee and has come all the way here.” Luke 23:5 (NIV)
 The more opposition, or resistance they encountered from Pilate the louder they got, and the stronger they got. They didn’t let his opposition hold them back. They weren’t going to take no for an answer.

They were passionate. The chief priests and the teachers of the law were standing there, vehemently accusing him.”Luke 23:10 They totally believed in what they were shouting about, they were dedicated and committed to it. They were fervent, the atmosphere must have been heated and intense.[1]

They were united. With one voice the crowd cried out, “Kill this man! Give Barabbas to us!” Luke 23:18  They had a united voice and there is power in unity.

The Jews had an effective group, with an effective strategy: preparation, passion, persistence, and unity so … their shouts prevailed.

BUT … while we can learn from their strategy, we have to acknowledge that their motive and purpose was tainted. They were shouting for injustice. They were shouting to have an innocent man killed, there was nothing honourable about that. Yes, they were passionate, they truly believed in what they were shouting for, (so much so that as Jesus hung on the Cross near death he prayed “Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.”) but their cause was lacking.

As followers of Jesus, our cause is justice, as was his. God is a God of justice, and injustice breaks his heart, Jesus has experienced it himself. He knows what it’s like.

When we shout, when we desire for our voices, our shouts to prevail, let them be for justice. We don’t have to look far before the injustices around us become apparent, the world is swimming in injustice; domestic violence, addictions, discrimination, inequality, child poverty, poverty to name a few. If you lack passion, and have a desire for justice pray to the Lord: “Break my heart for what breaks yours, everything I am for your kingdoms cause.” But be warned, God will answer your prayer.

For those who can’t speak up, who haven’t discovered their voice yet, for those who struggle to make their voice heard, raise your voice on their behalf.

We shout for Justice! And we will prevail when we shout with preparation, passion, perseverance and unity.

There’s a megaphone inside all of us, a shout longing to prevail. Raise your voice.


P.S: You should subscribe to my blog ... just pop your email address into the Subscribe box up on the right.

[1] (In the KJV, Luke 23:23 starts “With loud voices …” The original Greek language says: phōnē Megas (which I find incredibly amusing given my fascination with megaphones!) “Megas is often used of intensity and its degrees: with great effort, of the affections and emotions of the mind, of natural events powerfully affecting the senses: violent, mighty, strong or things esteemed highly for their importance: of great moment, of great weight, importance. It also denotes large, big, and massive.” (Thanks Blue Letter Bible!)
I mean come on, is it really any wonder their shouts prevailed?

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Every woman needs her hero ...

"I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the end of the night
He’s gotta be strong
And he’s gotta be fast
And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the morning light
He’s gotta be sure
And it’s gotta be soon
And he’s gotta be larger than life"

Did you just sing it in your head?

This song was released the year I was born. It's catchy, it sure is fun to sing playing sing star with a group of friends ... but the lyrics ... not so sure!

I think this song (and others!) reinforces a common misconception that women have about men and about their 'need' for men. (Interestingly the song was written by two men) It also reinforces misconceptions that some women have about themselves and their place in society and within a relationship. Many women have this desire to be swept off their feet by a man who is heroic and prince-like, someone who will rescue them from their struggles and save they day. It's reinforced by children's stories, rom-coms (admittedly I do like watching romcoms), action movies and comics.

Have you seen Disney's Avenger gender specific sexist T-Shirts that were released recently?
The Boys version

And this one is for the girls

Thankfully because of an online petition the girls version were removed from the shelves. A friend shared with me how creating change through online petitions blows her mind. "ridiculously easy, super effective!" I've been sceptical of online petitions in the past, and wondered about their effectiveness ... here is the proof they work.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not about to light a bonfire, start burning my bras and all my children's Disney books. But I do feel that within society and within the church, many have bought into a lie that says women are a subordinate gender who require rescuing.

For a period of time I believed it. I actually desired as a teenager and young adult to be swept off my feet, that I needed to wait for my knight in shining armour. Some of the books I'd read totally reinforced this. Case and point, "Captivating" which in summary pretty much says "Every woman was once a little girl. And every little girl holds in her heart her most precious dreams. She longs to be swept up into a romance, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, to be the Beauty of the story." It's the companion book to "Wild at Heart" which says: "God designed men to be dangerous," It talks about how men long to be involved in adventure and desire a beauty to rescue. I'm not denying men and women are different, we are, but some differences are simply stereotypes that result from society. These books can certainly get some discussion going.

I think part of the reason we "long" for these things, is because these ideas are instilled into us from childhood ... Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White etc etc etc ... They are nice stories with feel good happy endings, but we mustn't confuse fantasy with reality.

As an adult I'm able to make the distinction between fantasy and reality (hopefully), my children aren't. Little girls grow up thinking they are inferior beings in need of rescue, and boys grow up thinking they are superior, the hero who's responsibility it is to rescue. My responsibility to them as their parent to to make sure they know they both have strength, courage and the ability to fight for the things that really matter. In fact just yesterday I had a conversation with my 3 year old son who was adament that his sister couldn't be a hero because she was a girl, she had to be the princess ... (he hasn't got these ideas from me!) needless to say I emphasised that Evy could be a super hero in their game as well, he actually got quite heated about it, but eventually conceded.

If we're real and honest about it, the whole of humanity requires rescuing, our need for rescue is NOT gender specific. The fact is, we (humanity) have been held captive by sin, that sin separates us from our Creator, and we are incapable of rescuing each other. But God, who loves us fiercely and passionately comes as a human to rescue us once and for all. Jesus sets us free from the bondage and captivity of sin. He pays the price on our head with his own life. He fought death and won, being raised to life, and his victory is ours. He's a hero who has strength in love and power in forgiveness. And he calls us (both men and women, he makes no distinction) to join him in this adventurous life of rescue.

I don't expect my husband to be a hero! I love him so much, and he absolutely loves me. For me to expect him to be my hero, my rescuer is to place unfair, unrealistic expectations on him, and set him up to fail, despite what we are often told, it's not his responsibility to 'rescue' me.

Don't stereotype me because I'm a woman, I don't need rescuing, I have been rescued, and now I partner with my hero, my Saviour, Jesus, to see others rescued and set free, as do many of my male counterparts. As a woman who is married, I get to share this adventure with my husband, (but it's an adventure I'd still be participating in if I wasn't married!) This is reality not fantasy. In Christ we have been given the same commission and in him there is neither male nor female.

End of Rant.
Much love!

P.S: If you are a parent of a little girl, you might find these websites helpful:
A Mighty Girl Website - empowering girls everywhere, this link takes you to a page full of books about princesses who do the rescuing instead of waiting to be rescued

Miss Representation - A website based on the film which explores how the media’s misrepresentations of women have led to the underrepresentation of women in positions of power and influence. Has some great resources to get involved and active.