Embracing Freedom

Embracing Freedom. Grace is my story. Hope is my anchor. Joy is my strength. Laughter is my song.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Every woman needs her hero ...

"I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the end of the night
He’s gotta be strong
And he’s gotta be fast
And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the morning light
He’s gotta be sure
And it’s gotta be soon
And he’s gotta be larger than life"

Did you just sing it in your head?

This song was released the year I was born. It's catchy, it sure is fun to sing playing sing star with a group of friends ... but the lyrics ... not so sure!

I think this song (and others!) reinforces a common misconception that women have about men and about their 'need' for men. (Interestingly the song was written by two men) It also reinforces misconceptions that some women have about themselves and their place in society and within a relationship. Many women have this desire to be swept off their feet by a man who is heroic and prince-like, someone who will rescue them from their struggles and save they day. It's reinforced by children's stories, rom-coms (admittedly I do like watching romcoms), action movies and comics.

Have you seen Disney's Avenger gender specific sexist T-Shirts that were released recently?
The Boys version

And this one is for the girls

Thankfully because of an online petition the girls version were removed from the shelves. A friend shared with me how creating change through online petitions blows her mind. "ridiculously easy, super effective!" I've been sceptical of online petitions in the past, and wondered about their effectiveness ... here is the proof they work.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not about to light a bonfire, start burning my bras and all my children's Disney books. But I do feel that within society and within the church, many have bought into a lie that says women are a subordinate gender who require rescuing.

For a period of time I believed it. I actually desired as a teenager and young adult to be swept off my feet, that I needed to wait for my knight in shining armour. Some of the books I'd read totally reinforced this. Case and point, "Captivating" which in summary pretty much says "Every woman was once a little girl. And every little girl holds in her heart her most precious dreams. She longs to be swept up into a romance, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, to be the Beauty of the story." It's the companion book to "Wild at Heart" which says: "God designed men to be dangerous," It talks about how men long to be involved in adventure and desire a beauty to rescue. I'm not denying men and women are different, we are, but some differences are simply stereotypes that result from society. These books can certainly get some discussion going.

I think part of the reason we "long" for these things, is because these ideas are instilled into us from childhood ... Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White etc etc etc ... They are nice stories with feel good happy endings, but we mustn't confuse fantasy with reality.

As an adult I'm able to make the distinction between fantasy and reality (hopefully), my children aren't. Little girls grow up thinking they are inferior beings in need of rescue, and boys grow up thinking they are superior, the hero who's responsibility it is to rescue. My responsibility to them as their parent to to make sure they know they both have strength, courage and the ability to fight for the things that really matter. In fact just yesterday I had a conversation with my 3 year old son who was adament that his sister couldn't be a hero because she was a girl, she had to be the princess ... (he hasn't got these ideas from me!) needless to say I emphasised that Evy could be a super hero in their game as well, he actually got quite heated about it, but eventually conceded.

If we're real and honest about it, the whole of humanity requires rescuing, our need for rescue is NOT gender specific. The fact is, we (humanity) have been held captive by sin, that sin separates us from our Creator, and we are incapable of rescuing each other. But God, who loves us fiercely and passionately comes as a human to rescue us once and for all. Jesus sets us free from the bondage and captivity of sin. He pays the price on our head with his own life. He fought death and won, being raised to life, and his victory is ours. He's a hero who has strength in love and power in forgiveness. And he calls us (both men and women, he makes no distinction) to join him in this adventurous life of rescue.

I don't expect my husband to be a hero! I love him so much, and he absolutely loves me. For me to expect him to be my hero, my rescuer is to place unfair, unrealistic expectations on him, and set him up to fail, despite what we are often told, it's not his responsibility to 'rescue' me.

Don't stereotype me because I'm a woman, I don't need rescuing, I have been rescued, and now I partner with my hero, my Saviour, Jesus, to see others rescued and set free, as do many of my male counterparts. As a woman who is married, I get to share this adventure with my husband, (but it's an adventure I'd still be participating in if I wasn't married!) This is reality not fantasy. In Christ we have been given the same commission and in him there is neither male nor female.

End of Rant.
Much love!

P.S: If you are a parent of a little girl, you might find these websites helpful:
A Mighty Girl Website - empowering girls everywhere, this link takes you to a page full of books about princesses who do the rescuing instead of waiting to be rescued

Miss Representation - A website based on the film which explores how the media’s misrepresentations of women have led to the underrepresentation of women in positions of power and influence. Has some great resources to get involved and active.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Her Global Snapshot - where to from here?

It's 2013, and her picture is bleak. It's a picture of inequality. It's a picture of injustice.
From New Zealand to China, Ethiopia to Yemen, Congo to Cambodia, throughout the Globe women face inequality and injustice on a daily basis. Her Global Snapshot: Domestic Violence, Female Genital Mutilation, Honour Killings, Breast Ironing and Human Traffiking doesn't begin to brush the surface of the injustice. Be sure to read 'Her Global Snapshot' before reading on.

She is Beautiful. She is Strong. She is Gifted. She is Woman.
And she deserves better than this!

 In the midst of the dark cold hard stories and facts there is hope! In the face of injustice people are standing up and fighting for the rights of women, for their equality and for their freedom from oppression. The truth is, that no matter where we are, what our situation, there is hope and we can be involved in the fight for justice. It can be really hard to know where to start, so here are five tips to get started:

1) Get Informed.
Don't be ignorant, read newspapers, search the web and find out what's really going on out there. Injustice seems to be everywhere we turn. I've compiled a list of websites and resources here which confronts many of the issues raised in 'Her Global Snapshot'. Be proactive and learn about what our sisters around the world are facing each day.

2) Identify your passion.
As I've delved into the injustices women face, there are a couple of issues in particular that pull on my heart strings and bring me to tears (ok, so most of them make me cry, but some make me really bawl!). I've discovered a passion for maternal health and fistula repairs (maybe due to my nursing background?). Other people are driven to fight out about other issues. On the weekend I was speaking at a youth event and shared about some of the injustices in 'Her Global Snapshot', one young woman shared afterwards that after hearing about child rape as a tactic of war in the Congo, she was stuck on that for the rest of the message. It pulled on her heartstrings, it's her passion. Identify yours and then use the passion to fight for justice.

3) Get Connected.
There are others fighting for justice. Others who are equipped and resourced to fight with the know how. They are seeing success in womens lives. Follow their facebook pages, sign up for their newsletters, get connected with them. When you do, your own understanding, involvement and influence increases. I've certainly found that to be true for myself.

4) Spread the Word.
Don't keep the information to yourself. Talk about it in your circles of friends, post statuses on facebook bringing the issues to peoples attention, let others know what's going on and how they can get involved. MAKE SOME NOISE! SHOUT OUT ABOUT INJUSTICE FOR JUSTICE.

(Found this pic on Pinterest)

5) Spend some cash.
Like I've already mentioned there are plenty of organisations doing amazing work in the lives of women around the world. Get connected to them, and spend some money. Pay for a fistula surgery, finance a little girl to go to school (seriously, education is the greatest way to combat the injustices women face), micro finance a woman so she can start a business and care for her family. Check out the websites and resources for a list of organisations to get connected too. Most of them tell you how you can give.

Who knows what you'll end up doing once you get started.
Easy aye! Change the World! Fight for Justice! Do it!


"While women weep, as they do now, I'll fight" - William Booth

Her Global Snapshot - Further Reading, watching and resources

It's 2013, and her picture is bleak. It's a picture of inequality. It's a picture of injustice.
From New Zealand to China, Ethiopia to Yemen, Congo to Cambodia, throughout the Globe women face inequality and injustice on a daily basis. Her Global Snapshot: Domestic Violence, Female Genital Mutilation, Honour Killings, Breast Ironing and Human Traffiking doesn't begin to brush the surface of the injustice.
She is Beautiful. She is Strong. She is gifted. She is a Woman.
And she deserves better than this!

If you haven't read 'Her Global Snapshot' make sure you check it out before reading on, but be warned, the content is disturbing.

There is ample information out there about the injustice and inequality faced by women daily in New Zealand and around the world. Here are some issues and helpful websites/books/clips that you might find useful in your endeavour to become better informed and involved. Find the section below that interests you the most and get informed. Most of these organisations I've become aware of through reading a book called "Half the Sky" which I  HIGHLY recommend! You can buy it here, check out the website, pinterest page, or join the movement on facebook. Other sites have been through searching on the web.

The links and info I've posted here could be really overwhelming, so I suggest starting with one of the following links:
Half The Sky
Commission on the Status of Women
Stop the Traffik

... and I highly recommend A walk to Beautiful documentary, definitely watch this!!!

For more research check out these sites over the next wee while.

Domestic Violence:

A talk by domestic violence survivor (Leslie Morgan Steiner) answering some of the common questions associated with domestice violence. Well worth the time.

New Zealand Womens Refuge. A whole lot of information about domestic violence and where to get help.

Ways to get involved in the prevention of domestic violence from the New Zealands 'Are You Ok' campaign.

World Health Organisation Fact Sheet

Equal pay rights in New Zealand:
Statistics New Zealand quarterly employment survey (for the September quarter 2012):
The gender pay gap has increased to 14.18%
Up 1.3% from 12.85% in the year to September.
Women are paid on average around $3.90 an hour less than men.
(Statistics New Zealand. (2012). quarterly employment survey: September quarter 2012).
For more info and to get involved visit:

Breast Ironing:
I've been able to find little information about initiatives fighting this, what I did find here seems to be quite old, but worth reading anyway. An obvious need for action here. If anyone finds anything more recent, let me know.

The most obvious place to start is at Stop the Traffik and http://www.humantrafficking.org/

Sex Traffiking:

Maternal Health around the world:

http://www.friendsofunfpa.org/netcommunity/page.aspx?pid=213 - focuses on women's maternal health rights and equality.

Fistulas and Fistula repairs:

A walk to Beautiful documentary - A documentary telling the stories of women with Fistulas and how fistula surgery has changed their lives ... AMAZING!!!
Agencies fund raising for and providing fistula surgeries for women:
www.ednahospital.org - A hospital in Somaliland, always after volunteers
www.fistulafoundation.org - supports Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia
www.healafrica.org - runs a hospital in the Congo that repairs fistulas and takes care of rape victims
www.womensdignity.org - supports repairs of fistulas in Tanzania
www.worldwidefistulafund.org- building a fistula hospital in Niger

Get more informed and involved through the fistula foundation

Other ways to empower women through micro financing schemes or education initiatives:

More global information:
Information from the Commission on the Status of Women which took place a the beginning of March this year.

Inspirational clips:






And there is soooo much more once you get looking, no excuse for ignorance really! Do you know of any that is worth us checking out, leave the link in my comments section below.
All the best as you become informed and join the fight for justice and equality for women worldwide!
