Embracing Freedom

Embracing Freedom. Grace is my story. Hope is my anchor. Joy is my strength. Laughter is my song.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Adoption Stories, links and info

I just got my ugly cry on! You know that cry, where something moves you so deeply, it's like an eruption from within that just explodes. The tears flow quick and fast, and the noise ... oh the noise. It's uncontrollable yet liberating. It's not the kind of cry that can be hidden, you know, the silent one where you can wipe away a tear before it's even noticed. It's the ugly cry! Luckily I was home alone :)

My friend just sent me a link and the note along side it said "Watch this if you want to cry. Especially when the guy is playing how he loves." So I watched the link and sure enough, had a cry. I thought I'd share it on my blog this week, along with some other links and things that have been inspiring and helpful when it's come to our own adoption journey. Some of the resources I've only discovered recently, but have been really useful.

If you are adopted, have adopted, are considering adoption or just want to be inspired check this stuff out (be warned though, you may or may not get your ugly cry on).

We've just recently finished writing Evy's life book, you can check out a little more about ours here.

If you're serious about finding out about adoption in New Zealand, head along to Child, Youth and Family's website or to Adoption Options website which is specifically aimed at Pregnant women considering adoption.

I also recommend a couple of movies: "Like Dandelion Dust" (also a book) and "October Baby". Both are powerful stories of adoption.

Hopefully, by checking out a few of these links you'll be as inspired as I've been.



  1. So cool, Sammy! I remember conversations you and I had years ago about adoption/fostering and how we've both always known it was something we had to do. The fact that, as you know, I have endometriosis, and that I'm getting on in years (haha- 29!) mean that my chances of ever having children myself are lower than many other people. This used to really upset me whenever I thought about it. More recently, though, I've come to a place where I'm purely excited about the prospect of being able to foster/adopt whenever that time comes. I would do it now if I could!
    Have you read any of Cathy Glass' books about fostering etc? I've got a few. They're real eye openers, and some are quite hard to read, but they're just really cool true stories.
    Anyway, loved your post. Have watched that first video.

    1. So cool Nat, awesome that you're excited about what the future holds. I still find I have ups and downs emotionally when I realise I can't have anymore babies biologically (unless theres a miracle), sometimes I'm totally content with it, other times I just don't understand, but that's ok, my times of contentment seem to outnumber the other times now. It's a nice space to be in :) I haven't read any Cathy Glass' books. Would love to borrow at some point. xo
