Embracing Freedom

Embracing Freedom. Grace is my story. Hope is my anchor. Joy is my strength. Laughter is my song.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Her Global Snapshot - Warning: content may disturb!

It's 2013, and her picture is bleak. It's a picture of inequality. It's a picture of injustice.

New Zealand - She's a single mum in her late 20's, she has a degree and 2 kids. Barely surviving on the benefit. She can't afford new shoes for the kids, or a car to transport them to and from school. She's paying off debt and it's a struggle. The kids father pays child support. It's more than her benefit, but she doesn't see a cent of it. It goes straight into the governments pool ... somewhere? She's not 'entitled' to it until she has a job, of which there are none around.


New Zealand - She's been beaten. Black and blue, again. But not where anyone can see. She's got good at hiding the bruises now. No one knows. She's withdrawn these days. She doesn't have friends, he won't let her. She doesn't have money, he controls it. Every day his hands don't beat her down, his words do. They hit hard and cut deep. She can't escape she's trapped. Domestic Violence. It's a cycle she can't break free from.


New Zealand - It's harder for her to find a job simple because she's female. She's less likely to climb the corporate ladder if she has a family. Equal pay is a dream. Generally women earn 10% less then men.


Cameroon, Africa - A 13 year old girl has her breasts ironed by her grandmother. The purpose; to prevent her from becoming sexually active too early. Her grandmother had warmed a small grinding stone on the fire and pressed it against her breasts. The pain was excruciating. She was left with scars. If she ever has a baby, she'll most probably struggle with mastitis and other breast complications. Mutilated. Physically and emotionally. Interestingly the ritual has had the opposite effect to that intended and in areas where the practise is common teenage pregnancy is on the rise.


Cambodia - She's 15. Her family had run out of money. She hears about a job as a maid in Thailand through a job agent. She and some friends travel to Thailand with him, where he hands them over to a gang who take her to Kuala Lumpa. She is a victim of Human Trafficking. She is taken to a brothel and when she refuses to sleep with her first customer, (who pays more for her, than the others in the brothel because she is a young virgin) she is beaten into submission. She is given drugs to subdue her while she sees customers. She works 16 hour days, 7 days a week. She isn't given clothes so she can't run away, and she isn't given condoms to use. She will more than likely be exposed to and contract HIV.


China - A baby girl dies. If she'd been born a boy, her chances would have been greater. If she had been born a boy her parents would have taken her to a hospital as soon as they noticed she was getting sick. That's if they hadn't already dumped her at birth. As a girl she wasn't given the same medical treatment and now she is dead. Ultrasound technicians are banned from telling parents the sex of their baby to prevent abortion of female foetuses, but instead baby girls die as infants by being denied basic necessities.


Pakistan - A young women is accused of having a love affair after being found talking with a man in a sugar cane field, She becomes the victim of an 'honour killing' when her own brother hangs her. All in the name of keeping the families honour. It's not uncommon, other women who have brought dishonour on their families by refusing to go through with arranged marriages, demanding divorce or eloping have been hacked to death, burned alive and shot.


Yemen- She's 8 years old and a child bride. Her husband is 26. She says goodbye to an education, to the possibility of a vocation in the future. She's more susceptible to violence and abuse within her marriage relationship having married young. The risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth increases because her body is still developing. She will quite possibly die during childbirth.


Sudan - She's 6. The midwife that was there when she was born looks down on her. Her Grandmother and Auntie are in the room to. They hold her down as the midwife begins to circumcise her with a kitchen knife. She cuts off the little girls clitoris. Yet another practise that is all to common, Female Genital Mutilation. They hope it'll decrease her libido. The risks associated with pregnancy and childbirth later are enormous and the possibility of ending up with a fistula is more than likely.


Congo - Rape is a tactic for war. A 4 year old girl is raped by soldiers when she tries to cross the river with her pregnant mum and sister. One after the other the soldiers do as they please with the child. Often after raping a woman or girl, soldiers will take a stick, or sharp object and insert it into the woman's vagina rupturing the vaginal wall and causing a fistula. One story reported how after raping a 3 year old girl, they placed a gun into her and fired.


Ethiopia - She lacks adequate maternal health care. Her last baby died. She couldn't deliver, and after days of being in labour, finally a midwife arrived to assist. The baby had begun to decay inside her, and with her baby, the walls of her vagina and bowel. A fistula developed.  Complications like this can result during childbirth when the mother is too young and her body hasn't fully developed yet, or because of female genital mutilation. Midwives are either small in number or don't have the skills to deal with these kind of complications. Because of the fistula she has a constant flow of fluid. She smells terrible. She is cast from society, left alone in a hutt out the back of the family home, or in the desert with the risk of being attacked by hyenas.


She is Beautiful. She is Strong. She is gifted. She is a Woman.
And she deserves better than this!

This post is to raise awareness about the injustices faced daily by women around the globe. These stories are not contrived and they are not exaggerated. They are based on real women around the world, a global snapshot of the injustices and inequalities women face. It is just a snap shot, by no means in depth, and really does only brush the surface of what some women go through. In many instances these stories are not limited to the specific country mentioned. In some places these are culturally acceptable practises. In some countries there is positive activity happening to make right these wrongs. While the stories in western areas seem tame, (first world problems) the issue of injustice and inequality against women festers at the root. My purpose is to raise awareness so that we can stop living in ignorance and start thinking about the part we have to play in bringing about equality and justice for all.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Jesus totally rocked Feminism!

Hundreds and hundreds of years before Jesus, Greek philosophers (like Plato and Aristotle) taught that women were evil, they were mans punishment, they were a curse, subordinate and inferior to men, deformed males, less capable than men, lacking strength unable to reason, or demonstrate self-control*.

When the Roman Empire was established much of this thinking filtered through. Romans questioned whether women were really human, women had so little value they weren’t even given their own name, it was acceptable and legal to dispose of baby girls, and wives could be killed for adultery, but men were encouraged to have mistresses and sleep with prostitutes*.

By the time Jesus was born, Jewish culture and beliefs had been influenced by the Greeks and Romans. They thought women were more likely to sin, they were possessions to be used or avoided, in fact it was better to not even look at or speak to a woman. Women were denied entry to the temple and were segregated from men, they couldn’t fully engaged in worship and were deterred from reading and studying the Torah*.


In walks Jesus, to kick some mysogynous (fear or hatred of women) inequality in the butt! He ventures into this society poisoned with inequality, double standards and a culture that had strayed from Gods original intention and word. My Hero!

Jesus comes and revolutionises the way women are seen. He implements what it means to live counter-culturally. I LOVE HIS WORK!

He looks at women. He sees women for who they really are. He talks to women. He listens to their fears, and failings and responds to them with kindness and love. He involves women in his own ministry. He reveals to them their real place. He teaches them. He empowers them. He commissions them. He loves them.

There are so many stories of how Jesus spat in the face of inequality and the rules and regulations oppressing women in his day. A few of my favs...

He sits next to a woman at a well, and asks HER to give HIM water. He then enters a theological discussion with her, revealing to HER that he is the 'living water'. This revelation of who he is ... he gave to a woman first. He then commissioned her to go and share her experince of him, with others. As a result of this woman, many came to believe in Jesus.

A woman who has bled constantly for 12 years pushes through a crowd and touches his cloak, believing that just by touching him, she will be healed. Jesus stops, looks her in the face, calls her daughter, affirms her and indeed heals her from her infirmity. She reaches out to him, and he responds. He doesn't turn her away, look down on her ... but he embraces her with compassion and love.

Another women, caught in the act of adultery is surrounded by men. They hold stones, ready to throw, they shout at her with insults and condemnation. The man involved, is nowhere to be seen. Jesus breaks through the crowd and says "Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone." One by one the crowd dissipates. Jesus also challenged the view that women were the only guilty party in adultery and levelled the playing field.

Mary, who sits at the feet of Jesus, taking the typical position of a student or disciple.  She hangs on every word as he teaches. Her sister in the kitchen tries to call her to her 'proper place' in the kitchen, but Jesus affirms Mary, and encourages that she has chosen what is better. He enables and empowers her to learn.

Then there is Mary who Jesus first appeared to in the garden after his resurrection. He tasked her, commissioned her with going to tell others that he had risen. Jesus, asking a woman, Mary, to share the best news ever with a bunch of men. This has to be significant! He commissions and appoints her.

Jesus turned the way women were viewed upside down. He recognised their value, their potential and responded to their needs and desires. He acknowledged and affirmed them for who they really were, despite what society said about them. He wasn't afraid to challenge the beliefs of the day, and did this not only with his words, but with his actions. He called his followers to do the same. Jesus totally rocked feminism. (Boom, dropped the 'f' bomb!)

There is no room for inequality in those who follow Jesus.

Sadly, today, equality for Women is still a dream. All around the world women are oppressed by the beliefs, traditions and values of their societies, cultures and organisations.

Jesus longs to turn that upside down!

Today, on International Womens Day 2013, know this:

Jesus sees you, he values you, he recognises your value and worth, he calls you capable and competant. He responds when you reach out to him. He offers healing, freedom and forgiveness. Jesus desires for women to be freed from oppression and to be seen as and treated equal to their male counter-parts. He wants you living life to it's fullest, and fulfilling your potential. You have value. You have worth.

As followers of Jesus, it's up to us to join him, imitate his example, and kick inequality in the butt!

Stay tuned as I attempt to delve a little deeper into this stuff in coming weeks.

Comment below with your thoughts and opinions, maybe something you’d like some more info on. Maybe even share your own experience of inequality or how you’ve been kicking it in the butt and you’ll go in the draw to win a copy of “Fearless Daughters of the Bible” by J. Lee Grady.
Exciting, my first give-away! (if you’re comment is anonymous, you won’t be able to with the book). The book isn't just for women either ... both men and women will benefit from reading it.
Itsy. Bitsy!

P.S: If you wanna do more reading aroung this topic, check out the books on Equality at the bottom of this page. In particular "Why not women?" by Cunnigham and Hamilton. It gives the cultural context of Jesus day, surrounding influences and breaks down some of the tough passages of scripture regarding women.

*Reference: Cunningham and Hamilton "Why not Women"

Sunday 3 March 2013

And the formula for instant church growth is ...

Prayer. Nothing like keeping it simple huh?

Today I experienced for myself what unified, dedicated, agonising prayer can achieve in a church family.

We have a church family which usually averages 105 on any given Sunday. Ha! Not today! This morning we had around 150 people come to share in worship and fellowship.

Let me explain that we aren't resourced for 150 people on a Sunday morning. The space we currently use for church is an old bowling club, it's not large and we have 126 seats, which fit in the room rather snuggly. On top of that we have the current prayer tent set up in the corner of the room. So this morning, it's fair to say ... we were overcapacity, people had to sit on the floor. What an awesome problem to have! What really blew me away was the atmosphere. The place was buzzing, it was a hive of activity. There was joyful enthusiasm as we worshipped, it was loud. It was almost as though the corps family had experienced a revival and had a new lease on life. It was lively, enthusiastic. It permeated Christ's life in all its fullness.

Tonight, we had an evening service. It was a Praise and Prayer night to celebrate our week of 24/7. Usually, our evening services avergae 15 people. Tonight we had 45. SO MANY ages were represented, from a 6 month old baby to adults in their late 70's. People have tasted and seen that God is good, and have a desire for MORE!

I'm not sharing our numbers to boast about how many people we got to church today ... that's not the point, the exact number is irrelevant. Whats is relevant is the significance a week of 24/7 prayer had in our church community, and the growth we saw as a result. The growth goes deeper than numerical growth though. Corporately there was growth in unity and faith. We have seen some significant growth in the individual lives of our people.
One friend told me about her desire to now make prayer in solitude a priority in her personal life at home after having experienced it in the prayer room.
Anothers faith increased all the more as God gave her a new insight into what it meant to 'love your neighbour'. She felt strongly to start loving her physical neighbours, those who live beside her. When the opportunity came to invite her neighbour to join her in the prayer room, the offer was accepted ... she was able to pray for her neighbour, and her neighbour came to church this morning.
A new song was written by some of the youth in our corps as they spent an entire night in the prayer room.
A teenage boy prayed in church for the first time this evening with boldness and courage.
Where some were hesitant at first to sign up for time in the prayer room, as the week progressed they signed up again and again because with each hour spent with God, their hunger for him increased.
Tears have flowed, hearts have softened, hurts have healed, pains forgotten.
Forgiveness and Freedom, sought and found, Grace, hope, mercy and love abounds.

I gotta be straight up and say that today was Childrens day, and our theme this morning was "Ice-Cream Sunday". Part of that meant that some of the time at church today was making Ice-Cream Sundays and eating ... BUT I don't think that is what caused the growth in numbers ... if it was, we wouldn't have seen such increase at night church. Ice-Cream wasn't the attracting factor ... there was a greater force at play. The power of prayer.

Today I've witnessed some of the fruit of a week of 24/7 prayer. I'm excited to dig deeper and experiment with how we can make prayer even more of a focus in our church family. People are hungry and enthusiastic for more, it's exciting.

Just want to sign off this 24/7 prayer series with a few (ok a few more than a few) quotes on prayer:

"Charles Finney was also convinced that if the
church would just meet the basic conditions for Revival - deep
repentance and heartfelt, 'agonizing' prayer for the outpouring of God's
Spirit, then Revival would ALWAYS result."

"When God intends great mercy for His people, the first thing He does is to set them a-praying."
Matthew Henry

"Shall I give you yet another reason why you should pray? I have preached my very heart out. I could not say any more than I have said. Will not your prayers accomplish that which my preaching fails to do? Is it not likely that the Church has been putting forth its preaching hand but not its praying hand? Oh dear friends! Let us agonise in prayer.”
C. H. Spurgeon

“You must pray with all your might. That does not mean saying your prayers, or sitting gazing about in church or chapel with eyes wide open while someone else says them for you. It means fervent, effectual, untiring wrestling with God...This kind of prayer be sure the devil and the world and your own indolent, unbelieving nature will oppose. They will pour water on this flame.”
General William Booth

"The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray."
Samuel Chadwick

"When the glory of the Father
Is the goal of every prayer:
When before the throne in heaven
Our High Priest presents it there;
When the Spirit prompts the asking,
When the waiting heart believes:
The we know of each petition
Everyone who asks receives"
Author unknown,

“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.
 Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from the evil one."


Thanks for sharing the prayer journey ... long may it continue.

Itsy Bitsy SamMe.

Saturday 2 March 2013

Catherine Booth on Prevailing Prayer

Catherine Booth (Co-Founder of The Salvation Army) on Prevailing Prayer:

"I FEAR there are comparatively few Christians who know what prevailing prayer is, because they do not comply with the conditions on which alone it can be offered. I regard these conditions as threefold:

1st. Living and abiding union with Jesus. "If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." (John xv. 7.)

2nd. Systematic obedience to the teaching of the word and of the Spirit. "Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence towards God. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight." (I John iii 21, 22.)

3rd. Unwavering faith in the veracity and faithfulness of God. "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering; for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord." (James i. 6, 7.)

Of course there are many other passages of similar bearing and of equal weight, but I regard these three as clearly setting forth the conditions of prevailing prayer, constituting, as it were, the three steps of successful approach to the mercy seat. They are like three links of a golden chain connecting our souls with God, and if one be missing or defective, the power to prevail in prayer is lost. Does not this explain the reason why there is so much ineffectual prayer in our day? Christians get hold of a promise, and try to work themselves up to faith for its fulfilment, but, alas! One of the conditions is wanting, one of the links is broken; their own hearts condemn them; "then have they (no) confidence toward God, and whatsoever they ask they receive (not) of Him, because they keep (not) His commandments, and do (not) those things that are pleasing in His sight." How can a man approach God in confidence, when he is living in the daily practice of something for which his own heart condemns him? Impossible! As soon might Satan offer effectual prayer. Before that man can truly approach to God, he must "cleanse his hands,' 'purify his heart," and "put away his iniquity."

No matter what our creed or opinion, God has made it a law of our spiritual being, that without submission and obedience there can be no confidence. Faith in Jesus is God's expedient for bringing us back to obedience, and not for saving us in disobedience. And all the way through the New Testament He refuses to accept any other proof of discipleship than that of obedience. No less than six times in the 14th and 15th chapters of John is this criterion insisted on. "Faith without works (obedience) is dead," and therefore has no power to take hold of God, or to appropriate His promises. I am satisfied that this is the "missing link" in the experience of multitudes of professors; and in vain do they cry "Lord, Lord, while they do not the things that He says." In vain do they try to assure their hearts before Him, while they love not in deed, but only in word and in tongue. I am afraid' there is much Antinomianism abroad, which makes Christ the minister of sin, and which is always crying, "Faith! faith! only believe!" while consecration and obedience, as indispensable accompaniments of faith, are entirely lost sight of. "How can ye believe," said our Lord to some in His day, "while ye receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only?" And we may say to some in our day--how can ye believe who prefer self-indulgence, wealth, or worldly conformity, to Christ and His cross, and the extension of His kingdom? Is it not still true that "if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him," and that "the friendship of the world is enmity towards God?" Saving faith in the sinner, and prevailing faith in the believer are alike impossible without full consecration to known duty. If any one disputes this, let him try to exercise faith in any given promise or for any given blessing, while he is refusing obedience to the claims of God, or withholding part of the price which God requires, and he will find, whatever may be his preconceived notions on the subject, that it is simply impossible. Herein is the solution of the question so often asked--How is it that there are so few answers to prayer? David affirmed it when he said, "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me." Neither will God hear and answer us, call we ever so loudly, and ever so long, if we willingly consent to any known unrighteousness. How fares it with your prayers, dear reader? Do you know that God hears you by the answers He vouchsafes? If not may not this be the reason for the miscarriage? God is unchanged and unchangeable, the promise faileth not. "All things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." God must be true; and if your experience contradicts the sure word of promise, you may be certain that it is your experience which is at fault. Examine yourself. Repent, and do your first works. He is faithful and just to forgive the sins of His people, and to cleanse them from all unrighteousness. And then bring all the tithes of a whole-hearted, loving, and believing service into His store-house, and prove Him therewith, and see if He will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out such a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it."

Enough said.

Friday 1 March 2013

14 year old boys ... examples and inspirations!

I've just got home from being in the prayer room with our young people as they begin an all night of prayer. And WOW! When I arrived some of them were gathered around the piano and singing worship together. We shared in a time of prayer which was incredibly encouraging. So far the highlight of my week.

Every time I go into the prayer room, there is more to pray for, as people add requests and prayers of intersession. The whole thing seems to just keep on building and gaining momentum. The atmosphere is different each time, and Gods presence at times feels almost tangible. The beauty increases too, as people make their mark in prayer through the various forms. They are connecting with, reaching out to, and talking with God.

Here are a couple of testimonies that have been shared so far:

"24/7 prayer week been good loving life loving our father god bless everyone"
"Great Home League Prayer being the topic. I am sure no one could take offence Paul did a great meeting . God is blessing the women who attend"
"Wonderful two hours in the prayer space yesterday. The lounge chair beside the CD player provided an excellent place to settle into prayer as i listened to music. Also powerfully felt the presence of God as I prayed through some of the International Vision Plan. This is a lively space! Love the way it's a place where people of all ages can find help in coming before God. God bless Upper Hutt Corps and its current significant journey."

Tonight before I left for home, the young people sung a song written by one of our 14 year old boys, he sung with another 14 year old friend, a younger brother, and their leaders joined them. It was amazing. It blew my mind. It was full of truth and power. By the end of it I was in tears. I was moved and encouraged by these young men who have hearts after God. They inspired me. Again, like earlier in the week I was reminded tonight that prayer and connecting with God has absolutely no barrier. Whoever seeks him, will find him. And He will use the willing and obedient. We must never look down on the young, but let them be examples to us!

Be encouraged as you take a look at these images. These paintings have been made by worshippers, intercessors, children of God as they seek Him, cry out to Him, desire Him and praise Him. People diverse in age, history, culture, ethnicity, but equal in the eyes of God and unified by him. BLESS!
